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Jessica Porter

Having Faith as an Artist

As an Artist it can, at times be a little intimidating. I know I have gone through the feelings of am I good enough? Is my Art good enough? Will People buy it? And I have realized that YES I AM! This year I had a Big thing happen and Never did I expect it, I got into my very first Art show!

I had submitted three pieces into the Erie Art museums Spring show and they excepted one of my pieces. Man was I Thrilled. This was my YES! It is funny cuz the other day as I was doing my morning devotional practice I look at my wall and there is my vision board for this year 2022 and there it was and I totally forgot I did it, I put on there the Spring Art Show! And what happened I got in. I had put it out there and it happened. My piece called Oracle was chosen.

This was a big lesson for me that I Need to have faith and know that what I create will get noticed, will connect to someone who connects to the energy of the piece, connect to the beauty of the piece. We as artist have to have faith. Have faith in yourself of what you are creating will touch someone and see what you are expressing. Our Art and what we create is ALL unique because WE are all unique! WE are all Beautiful in our own creations. So have FAITH in what you are called to do, called to create and put your self out there to be seen.

My piece ~ Oralce

This piece came to me as I was meditating. I saw the flow of colors of sari silk and weaving three strips in the colors of the Oracle and her messages she brings to those that connect with her energy. The branch was from a beautiful larger branch that spoke to me from our property and I loved how it flowed also. When we connect with the Oracle she is light and colorful. Flowing messages and free flowing. The red thread is also in this as it symbolizes love and each piece is created through my heart to my hands with love. May you feel this piece as you also see and receive.

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